P rojects
Current Projects
EPRMS cc, trading as Resource Management Services (RMS) is a professional environmental management consultancy that is client focused, transparent and ensures the management of projects in a strategic, sustainable and ethical manner.
EIA - Waste Management View All
Reoil Oil Management Services Pty Ltd. - DSRView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - paDSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - DSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C - Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D - Comments Responses TableView
Annexure 2A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 3 - Plan of StudyView
Annexure 4 - EAP Oath DeclarationView
Annexure 5 - EAPs CVsView
Annexure 6 - Proof of WULA processView
Addo Refuse Transfer Station - Norms & Standards ReportView
Appendix A - Site PlansView
Appendix B - PhotographsView
Appendix C - Refer to Appendix D4View
Appendix D1 - Plant & Animal Species Compliance StatementView
Appendix D2 - Palaeontological Specialist StudyView
Appendix D3 - Heritage Impact AssessmentView
Appendix D4 - Site Selection Technical ReportView
Appendix E - Public Participation PlanView
Appendix E - Annexue A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix E - Annexure B1 - BID Proof of NotificationView
Appendix E - Annexure B2 - paDBAR Proof of NotificationView
Appendix E - Annexure C - BID Comments ReceivedView
Appendix E - Annexure D - BID Comments & Responses TableView
Appendix E - Annexure E - Authorities Agenda RegisterView
Appendix F1 - Construction EMPrView
Appendix F2 - Annexure 1 - NEMWA Norms & Standards Sorting WasteView
Appendix F2 - Annexure 2 - Norms Standards Storage WasteView
Appendix F2 - Annexure 3 - Operational Plan Storage WasteView
Appendix F2 - Operational EMPrView
Appendix G - Draft Norms & Standards Registration FormsView
Sunlands Waste Disposal Site - paDBARView
Appendix A - Site PlansView
Appendix B - PhotographsView
Appendix C - Refer to Appendix AView
Appendix D - Due Diligence Contamination Assessment ReportView
Appendix E - Public Participation PlanView
Appendix E - Annexue A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix E - Annexure B1 - BID Proof of NotificationView
Appendix E - Annexure B2 - paDBAR Proof of NotificationView
Appendix E - Annexure C - BID Comments ReceivedView
Appendix E - Annexure D - BID Comments & Responses TableView
Appendix E - Annexure E - Authorities Agenda RegisterView
Appendix F - Decommissioning & Rehabilitation EMPrView
Appendix G - Draft Norms & Standards Registration FormView
Reoil Oil Management Services (Pty) Ltd. paDSRView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 2A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 3 - EAPs & CVsView
Waste Recovery
Klipheuwel SPV (Pty) Ltd Revised Draft Environmental Impact ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B3 - Proof of DSR emails sentView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B4 - Proof of DSR DownloadsView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B5 - Proof of amended DSR commenting periodView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B6 - Proof of FSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B7 - Proof of DEIR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B8 - Proof of Revised DEIR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C3 - DEIR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D1 - paDSR Comments & Response TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D2 - DSR Comments & Response TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D3 - DEIR Comments & Response TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D4 - Addendum A_CoCT Response FormView
Annexure 1 - Appendix E - Authority Meeting Attendance RegisterView
Annexure 2 - Plan of Study for EIAView
Annexure 3A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 3B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 4A - Overall Project Site Development Plan - Alt 3 PreferredView
Annexure 4B - Close-up of Biogas Plant Layout - Alt 3 PreferredView
Annexure 5 - Klipheuwel Biogas Facility Flow DiagramView
Annexure 6 - Final approved site layout & footprint- Okran 38 (Pty) LtdView
Annexure 7 - Water Use License Farm Corona RE480View
Annexure 8A - Project Layout Alternative 1View
Annexure 8B - Project Layout Alternative 2View
Annexure 9A - Okran 38 (Pty) Ltd- Current Provisional AELView
Annexure 9B - DEA Okran WMLView
Annexure 9C - DEA & DP - Okran 38 (Pty) Ltd – Environmental Authorisation (EA)View
Annexure 9D - Heritage Western Cape ApprovalView
Annexure 10 - Zoning Scheme MapView
Annexure 11A - Kulu Eco-Services Process Flow DiagramsView
Annexure 11B - KES Current & Proposed Layout PlanView
Annexure 12A - Stormwater Management PlanView
Annexure 12B - Engineering Services ReportView
Annexure 12C - Environmental Noise Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 12D - Traffic Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 12E1 - Atmospheric Impact Report, Odour & Fugitive Dust Management PlansView
Annexure 12E2 - Draft AEL ApplicationView
Annexure 12F - Socio-Economic Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 12G - Major Hazardous Installation Risk AssessmentView
Annexure 12H - Visual Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 12I - Aquatic Biodiversity Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 12J - Botanical & Terrestrial Biodiversity AssessmentView
Annexure 12K - Heritage Assessment - ScreenerView
Annexure 12L - Geohydrology Impact AssesmentView
Annexure 12M - Agriculture Agro-Ecosystem Specialist AssessmentView
Annexure 12N - Terrestrial Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
Annexure 13 - Construction EMPrView
Annexure 14 - Operational EMPrView
Annexure 14 - Appendix A - Locality MapView
Annexure 14 - Appendix B - Site Development and Layout PlansView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C1 NEMWA Norms & Standards for Sorting, Shredding, Grinding of General WasteView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C2 - NEMWA Norms & Standards for Storage of WasteView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C3 - Norms and Standards for Organic Waste CompostingView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C4 - Norms and Standards for the Treatment of Organic WasteView
Annexure 14 - Appendix D - Landscaping PlanView
Annexure 14 - Appendix E - Groundwater Monitoring NetworkView
Annexure 15 - Odour Control- Material Safety Data SheetsView
Annexure 16 - EAPs CVsView
Waste Recovery
Winelands Pork - Draft Basic Assessment ReportView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site Development PlanView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapsView
Appendix E - Not ApplicableView
Appendix F - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix G1.1 - Atmospheric Impact ReportView
Appendix G1.2 - Draft AEL ApplicationView
Appendix G2 - MHI Classification StudyView
Appendix H1 - Construction EMPrView
Appendix H2 - Operational EMPrView
Appendix H2 - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H2 - Annexure B - Site Development PlanView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C.1 - NEMWA Norms & Standards for Sorting Shredding Grinding of General WasteView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C.2 - NEMWA Norms & Standards for Storage WasteView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C.3 - Norms & Standards for the Treatment of Organic WasteView
Appendix I - Screening Tool ReportView
Appendix J - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix K - Need & DesiriabilityView
Waste Recovery
Klipheuwel SPV Pty Ltd - Draft Environmental Impact ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B3 - Proof of DSR emails sentView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B4 - Proof of DSR DownloadsView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B5 - Proof of amended DSR commenting periodView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B6 - Proof of FSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B7 - Proof of DEIR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D1 - paDSR Comments Response TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D2 - DSR Comments Response TableView
Annexure 2 - Plan of Study for EIAView
Annexure 3A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 3B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 4A - Overall Project Site Development PlanView
Annexure 4B - Close-up of Biogas Plant LayoutView
Annexure 5 - Klipheuwel Biogas Facility Flow DiagramView
Annexure 6 - Final approved site layout footprint - Okran 38 Pty LtdView
Annexure 7 - Water Use License - Farm Corona RE480View
Annexure 8A - Project Layout Alternative 1View
Annexure 8B - Project Layout Alternative 2View
Annexure 9A - Okran38 Pty Ltd - Current Provisional AELView
Annexure 9B - DEA Okran WMLView
Annexure 9C - DEA DP - Okran38 Pty Ltd - Environmental Authorisation EAView
Annexure 9D - Heritage Western Cape ApprovalView
Annexure 10 - ZoningSchemeMapView
Annexure 11A - KuluEco-Services_ProcessFlowDiagramsView
Annexure 11B - KES_Current_ProposedLayoutPlanView
Annexure 12A - StormwaterManagementPlanView
Annexure 12B - EngineeringServicesReportView
Annexure 12C - EnvironmentalNoiseImpactAssessmentView
Annexure 12D - TrafficImpactAssessmentView
Annexure 12E1 - AtmosphericImpactAssessmentView
Annexure 12E2 - OdourManagementPlanView
Annexure 12E3 - Draft_AEL_ApplicationView
Annexure 12F - Socio-EconomicImpactAssessmentView
Annexure 12G - MajorHazardousInstallationRiskAssessmentView
Annexure 12H - VisualImpactAssessmentView
Annexure 12I - AquaticBiodiversityImpactAssessmentView
Annexure 12J - Botanical_Terrestrial_Biodiversity_AssessmentView
Annexure 12K - HeritageAssessment-ScreenerView
Annexure 12L - GeohydrologyImpactAssesmentView
Annexure 12M - AgricultureAgro-EcosystemSpecialistAssessmentView
Annexure 12N - Terrestrial_BiodiversityComplianceStatementView
Annexure 13 - ConstructionEMPrView
Annexure 14 - OperationalEMPRView
Annexure 14 - Appendix A - Locality MapView
Annexure 14 - Appendix B - Site Development & Layout PlansView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C1 NEMWA Norms & Standards for Sorting Shredding Grinding General WasteView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C2 - NEMWA Norms & Standards for Storage of WasteView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C3 - Norms Standards Organic Waste CompostingView
Annexure 14 - Appendix C4 - Norms Standards Treatment Organic WasteView
Annexure 14 - Appendix D - Landscaping PlanView
Annexure 14 - Appendix E - Groundwater Monitoring NetworkView
Annexure 15 - EAPs CVsView
Waste Recovery
Winelands Pork (Pty) Ltd - Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 2A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2B - SSV ReportView
Annexure 3 - Site Layout & Development PlanView
Annexure 4 - Plan of Study for EIAView
Annexure 5 - Previous Authorisations & LicensesView
Annexure 6 - EAPsCVsView
Waste Recovery
Klipheuwel Biogas SPV (PTY) LTD - Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C - Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D - Comments Response TableView
Annexure 2 - Plan-of-Study Klipheuwel BioGasView
Annexure 3A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 3B - SSV ReportView
Annexure 4A - Project Overall SiteLayout Alternative3 PreferredView
Annexure 4B - Close-up of Biogas Plant Layout Alternative3 PreferredView
Annexure 5 - Klipheuwel - Biogas Facility Flow DiagramView
Annexure 6 - Final approved site layout footprint - Okran 38 (Pty) LtdView
Annexure 7 - Water Use License - Farm Corona RE480View
Annexure 8A - Project Layout Alternative 1View
Annexure 8B - Project Layout Alternative 2View
Annexure 9A - Okran 38 Pty Ltd - Current Provisional AELView
Annexure 9B - DEA Okran WMLView
Annexure 9C - DEADP Okran EAView
Annexure 10 - Zoning Scheme MapView
Annexure 11A - Kulu Eco-Services Process Flow DiagramsView
Annexure 11B - KES Current Proposed Layout PlanView
Annexure 12 - EAPs CVsView
Annexure 13 - EAP Oath DeclarationView
Waste Treatment, Beneficiation & Reuse
Sunlands Waste Disposal Site - Waste Transfer StationView
Appendix 1 - Public Participation PlanView
Appendix 1 - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix 1 - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix 2 - Due Diligence Site Contamination Risk Assessment ReportView
Waste Treatment, Beneficiation & Reuse
Klipheuwel Biogas SPV (PTY) LTD - Pre-Application DSRView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 2A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2B - SSV Report FinalView
Annexure 3 - Project Layout Alternative3 PreferredView
Annexure 4 - Klipheuwel Biogas Facility Flow DiagramView
Annexure 5 - Final approved site layout footprint Okran38 (Pty) LtdView
Annexure 6 - Water Use License Farm Corona RE480View
Annexure 7A - Project Layout Alternative 1View
Annexure 7B - Project Layout Alternative 2View
Annexure 8A - Okran38 (Pty) Ltd Current Provisional AELView
Annexure 8B - DEA Okran WMLView
Annexure 8C - DEADP Okran EAView
Annexure 9 - Zoning Scheme MapView
Annexure 10 - EAPs CVsView
Waste Recovery
Reoil Oil Management Services (Pty) Ltd - paDSRView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 2 - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 3 - Site Layout AlternativesView
Annexure 4 - EAPs & CVsView
WasteMart (Pty) Ltd - Draft Basic Assessment ReportView
Appendix A1 - Locality MapView
Appendix B1 - Site Development PlanView
Appendix C - PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E3 - Final DWS CommentView
Appendix E5 - DEFF CommentView
Appendix E10 - DEA&DP P&CM CommentView
Appendix E11 - DEA&DP WM CommentView
Appendix E13 - DEA&DP AQ CommentView
Appendix E15 - Integrated City of Cape Town CommentView
Appendix E20 - Included in Specialists ReportsView
Appendix F - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - DBAR & DEIR - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.1 - Proof of DBAR NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.2 - paDSR Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.3 - DSR Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.4 - DSR Proof of Extended Commenting PeriodView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.5 - DSR Proof of downloadsView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.6 - DSR Proof of Reminder Emails SentView
Appendix F - Annexure B1.7 - FSR Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure C1.1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Appendix F - Annexure C1.2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Appendix F - Annexure D1.1 - paDSR Comments & Responses TableView
Appendix F - Annexure D1.2 - DSR Comments & Responses TableView
Appendix G1 - Atmospheric Impact ReportView
Appendix G1 - Addendum A - Draft AEL Application FormView
Appendix G2 - Major Hazard Installation Risk AssessmentView
Appendix H - Construction EMPrView
Appendix H - Operational EMPrView
Appendix I.1 - Screening Tool ReportView
Appendix I.2 - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix J - Impact & Risk AssessmentView
Appendix K - Need & DesirabilityView
Appendix L - Not ApplicableView
Appendix M - EAPs & CVsView
WasteMart (Pty) Ltd - DEIARView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.1 - paDSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.2 - DSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.3 - DSR Proof of Extended Commenting PeriodView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.4 - DSR Proof of downloadsView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.5 - DSR Proof of Reminder Emails SentView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.6 - FSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1.7 - DEIR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C1.1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C1.2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D1.1 - paDSR_Comments & Responses TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D1.2 - DSR Comments & Responses TableView
Annexure 2A - Construction EMPrView
Annexure 2B - Operational EMPrView
Annexure 3 - Site Development PlanView
Annexure 4A - Atmospheric Impact ReportView
Annexure 4A - Addendum1 - Draft AEL Application FormView
Annexure 4B - Major Hazard Installation Risk AssessmentView
Annexure 5 - Authority CorrespondenceView
Annexure 6A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 6B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 7 - EAPs & CVsView
Waste Treatment, Beneficiation & Reuse
Nutri Humus - 24G Application Form ReportView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site Development PlanView
Appendix C - Not ApplicableView
Appendix D - Site PhotographsView
Appendix E - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix F1 - RoD 11 June 2020View
Appendix F2 - Landuse Planning - CoCTEmail - April 2020View
Appendix F3 - Proof of GA ApplicationView
Appendix F4 - Registration of NutriHumus DEADPWMView
Appendix F5 - Department Transport Public Works Roads - Job 28532View
Appendix G1 - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix G2 - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix G3 - Annexure B1.1 - Proof of Notification PP1View
Appendix G3 - Annexure B1.2 - Proof of Notification PP2View
Appendix G4 - Annexure C - Clarification DEADP WM and DEADP LawView
Appendix G5 - Annexure D - Comments Received PPP1View
Appendix G6 - Annexure E - Comments Response TableView
Appendix H1.1 - Botanical AssessmentView
Appendix H1.2 - Botanical Motivational LetterView
Appendix H1.3 - Additional Botanical Impact StatementView
Appendix H2 - Freshwater AssessmentView
Appendix H2 - Addendum 1 - Freshwater SWMPLetterView
Appendix H3 - Groundwater ReportView
Appendix H3 - Addendum 1 - Groundwater Monitoring PointsView
Appendix H4A - Heritage Screening ReportView
Appendix H4B - HWC NIDView
Appendix H5 - Traffic Impact AssessmentView
Appendix H6 - Noise Compliance StatementView
Appendix H7 - Atmospheric Impact Assessment ReportView
Appendix I1 - Construction EMPrView
Appendix I2 - Operational EMPrView
Appendix I3 - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix I4 - Annexure B - Site Development PlanView
Appendix I5 - Annexure C - Stormwater Management PlanView
Appendix I6 - Annexure D - Norms & Standards of Storage Waste 2013View
Appendix I7 - Annexure E - Norms & Standards of General Waste 2017View
Appendix I8 - Annexure F - Odour Management PlanView
Appendix I9 - Annexure G - Dune Restoration PlanView
Appendix I10 - Addendum 1 - Freshwater - SWMP LetterView
Appendix I11 - Addendum 2 - Groundwater Monitoring PointsView
Appendix J1 - DEADP Law Enforcement Pre-Compliance NoticeView
Appendix J2.1 - DEADP Law Enforcement Pre-Directive NoticeView
Appendix J2.2 - Pre-directive NutriHumus 18Aug2021View
Appendix J3 - Project Program TimelineView
Appendix J4 - DEADP Law Enforcement Compliance NoticeView
Appendix K - Certified Copy of Identity Document ApplicantView
Appendix L - Certified Copy of Title DeedView
Appendix M1 - HotRot Technical InformationView
Appendix M2 - Engineering Services ReportView
Appendix M3 - Stormwater Management PlanView
Waste Treatment, Beneficiation & Reuse
BCL Health Care Risk Waste Facility - Draft BARView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site Layout PlanView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E1 - CoCT PAEL LettersView
Appendix E2 - CoCT WML LettersView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder Database & Authorities RegisterView
Appendix G Detailed Technology Schematics & Treatment Efficiency of Ecosteryl 250 systemView
Appendix H - Environmental Management ProgrammeView
Appendix H - Annexure A - Integrated Health Care Waste ManagementView
Appendix H - Annexure B - BCL Emergency Preparedness PlanView
Appendix H - Annexure C Detailed Technology Schematics & Treatment Efficiency of Ecosteryl 250 SystemView
Appendix I1 - Supporting InformationView
Appendix I2 - National Norms & Standards for Storage of WasteView
Appendix J - EAP CVsView
Waste Treatment, Beneficiation & Reuse
Brakkefontein Clay Products (Pty) Ltd - DBARView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site Development PlansView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E - Licenses & AuthorisationsView
Appendix F1 - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F2 - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F3 - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F4 - Annexure B - Comments ReceivedView
Appendix F5 - Annexure B - Comments & Responses TableView
Appendix G - Atmospheric Impact Assessment ReportView
Appendix H1 - Operational & Monitoring EMP ReportView
Appendix H2 - Annexure A - Site Locality MapView
Appendix H3 - Annexure B - Site Layout PlanView
Appendix I1 - Alien Invasive Plant Control PlanView
Appendix I2 - Invasive Alien Plant Control PlanView
Appendix J - EAP CVsView
Appendix K - Traffic Evacuation Model FormView
Appendix L1 - Apollo Brick Screening ReportView
Appendix L2 - Apollo Brick Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Waste Recovery
Waste Disposal
Bellville South - Landfill Site Closure - DBARView
Appendix A - Site Locality MapView
Appendix E - Licenses & AuthorisationsView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix G1 - Air Quality ReportView
Appendix G2 - Closure Engineering Design Concept ReportView
Appendix G2 - Drawing 1View
Appendix G2 - Drawing 2View
Appendix G2 - Drawing 3View
Appendix G2 - Drawing 4View
Appendix G3 - Groundwater AssessmentView
Appendix H - Annexure A - SOP - Fire Equipment & ManagementView
Appendix H - Annexure B - SOP - Handling, Storage & Management of Hazardous Chemical SubstancesView
Appendix H - Annexure C1 - Incident Recording Investigation & ReportingView
Appendix H - Annexure C2 - Incident Reporting flow-chartView
Appendix H - Annexure D - Bellville LFG EMPView
Appendix H - Construction EMPrView
Appendices B-D - Not Applicable
Waste Treatment, Beneficiation & Reuse
Fuel 44 - DEIRView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of Notification DEIRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of Notification DSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of Notification FSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of Notification PSDSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C - Comments Received DSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C - Comments Received PSDSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D - C & R TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix E - Attendance RegisterView
Annexure 2 - EMPrView
Annexure 2 - Appendix A - Layout PlanView
Annexure 2 - Appendix B - Safety Health and Environmental PolicyView
Annexure 2 - Appendix C - Emergency Response Plan June 2018View
Annexure 2 - EMPrView
Annexure 3 - Locality - Conservation MapsView
Annexure 4A - Analyses of Industrial Liquid WasteView
Annexure 4B - Evaporator TechnologyView
Annexure 5A - En-Chem Consultants ReportView
Annexure 5B - MHI Risk AssessmentView
Annexure 6A - Applicability of NEM - Air Quality ActView
Annexure 6B - CoCT Wastewater ByLaws 2013View
Annexure 6C - DEA CorrespondenceView
Annexure 7 - Waste Management LicenceView
Annexure 8 - EAPs CVsView
Waste Recovery
Southern Ambition 1685 - 24G ReportView
Appendix A - Locality MapsView
Appendix B - Site PlanView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity MapView
Appendix E - PermitsView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix G - Not ApplicableView
Appendix H - Annexure A - Locality MapsView
Appendix H - Annexure B - Site PlanView
Appendix H - Environmental Management PlanView
Appendix I - Not ApplicableView
Appendix J - Title Deed - Identity DocumentView
Interwaste (Pty) Ltd
Proposed Waste Recovery, Beneficiation and Energy Project - Drakenstein, Western Cape
23 October 2017
EIA - Development Proposals (Commercial & Industrial) View All
Cabrico (Pty) Ltd - DEIRView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B3 - Proof of DEIR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D1 - paDSR Comments Response TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D2 - DSR Comments Response TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix E - Authority CorrespondenceView
Annexure 2A - Construction EMPrView
Annexure 2B - Operational Monitoring EMPrView
Annexure 2B - Appendix A - Locality MapView
Annexure 2B - Appendix B - SDP and Factory RepresentationView
Annexure 2B - Appendix C - Engineering Services ReportView
Annexure 2B - Appendix D - Stormwater Management PlanView
Annexure 2B - Appendix E - Air Quality Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 3A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 3B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 4 - Locality MapView
Annexure 5A - SDP and Factory RepresentationView
Annexure 5B - Schematic Rotary Kiln ProcessView
Annexure 6 - Drying and Firing BackgroundView
Annexure 7 - Existing AELView
Annexure 8 - Historic Zoning ConfirmationView
Annexure 9A - Engineering Services ReportView
Annexure 9B - Stormwater Management PlanView
Annexure 9C - Air Quality Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 9D - Botanical Biodiversity Compliance AssessmentView
Annexure 9E - Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
Annexure 9F - HWC NID ResponseView
Annexure 10 - Site PhotographsView
Annexure 11 - Proof of WULA ApplicationView
Annexure 12 - EAPs & CVsView
SPV Renfields (Pty) Ltd - Proposed 90MWp Solar Farm - DEIRView
Annexure A - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B1 - paDSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix B2 - DSR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix B3 - FSR Proof of SubmissionView
Annexure A - Appendix B4 - DEIR Proof of NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix C1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix C2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix D1 - paDSR Comments & Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix D2 - Addendum1 Waste Management Method StatementView
Annexure A - Appendix D3 - DSR Comments & Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix E - Authority CorrespondenceView
Annexure B1 - Construction EMPrView
Annexure B2 - Operational EMPrView
Annexure B3 - Appendix A - Locality MapsView
Annexure B4 - Appendix B - Site Layout Plan 90MWp Solar Power StationView
Annexure B5 - Appendix C1 - Traffic StatementView
Annexure B6 - Appendix C2 - DEA & DP CorrespondenceView
Annexure B7 - Appendix D - Method Statement for Vegetation ManagementView
Annexure B8 - Appendix E - NEMWA Norms & Standards for Storage of WasteView
Annexure B9 - Appendix F1 - Quantitative Safety Risk AssessmentView
Annexure B10 - Appendix F2 - Safety Health & Environmental Risk AssessmentView
Annexure C1 - Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
Annexure C2 - Terrestrial Biodiversity & Plant Species AssessmentView
Annexure C3 - Terrestrial Animal Species Specialist AssessmentView
Annexure C4 - Avifaunal Monitoring & Avian Species Addendum Letter & Sept 2021 ReportView
Annexure C5 - Agricultural Compliance StatementView
Annexure C6 - Socio-Economic Impact AssessmentView
Annexure C7 - Heritage Impact AssessmentView
Annexure C8 - Visual Impact AssessmentView
Annexure C9 - MHI LetterView
Annexure C10 - Obstacle Screening Assessment LetterView
Annexure D1 - Groundwater Impact Assessment ReportView
Annexure D2 - Updated Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
Annexure D3 - Botanical & Terrestrial Biodiversity AssessmentView
Annexure D4 - Terrestrial AnimalSpeciesAssessmentView
Annexure D5 - Avifaunal Monitoring & Avian Species AssessmentView
Annexure D6 - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment ReportView
Annexure D7 - Heritage Impact Assessment ReportView
Annexure D8 - Palaeontology Impact Assessment ReportView
Annexure D9 - Visual Impact AssessmentView
Annexure D10 - Agricultural Compliance StatementView
Annexure D11.1 - Quantitative Safety Risk AssessmentView
Annexure D11.2 - Safety Health & Environmental Risk AssessmentView
Annexure D12 - Aviation Obstacle Limitation Assessment ReportView
Annexure E1 - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure E2 - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure F1 - Proposed 90WMp Solar PSt Site Location CoordinatesView
Annexure F2 - Authorised 150MWp Solar PSt Site CoordinatesView
Annexure G1 - Generic EMPrView
Annexure G2 - Screening Tool Report 90MWp Solar Power Station FootprintView
Annexure G3 - Screening Tool Report 90MWp Solar PST Grid ConnectionView
Annexure H - Preferred Site Layout Alternative - 90MWp Solar PStView
Annexure I EAPs & CVsView
SPV RENFIELDS PTY (LTD) Gydo Renewable Energy Project Draft Environmental Impact ReportView
Annexure A - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSR NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix B2 - Proof ofDSR NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix B3 - Proof of DEIR NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix C1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix C2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix D1 - paDSR Comments Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix D2.1 - DSR Comments Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix D2.2 - AddendumAView
Annexure A - Appendix E - Authority CorrespondenceView
Annexure B1 - Construction EMPrView
Annexure B1 - Appendix D - Chance Find ProtocolView
Annexure B2 - Operational EMPrView
Annexure B2 - Appendix A - Locality MapsView
Annexure B2 - Appendix B - Site Layout PlansView
Annexure B2 - Appendix C - Engineering Services ReportView
Annexure B2 - Appendix D - NEMWA Norms & Standards Storage Of WasteView
Annexure B2 - Appendix E - Groundwater Monitoring ProtocolView
Annexure B3 - Generic EMPr - SPVR 6View
Annexure B4 - Generic EMPr - SPVR 7 & 8View
Annexure C1 - 132kV SPVR Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure C2 - HydroFacility - SPVR Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure C3 - SolarPV Facility - SPVRCeresRenewableEnergyProjectView
Annexure D1 - Site Sensitivity Verification Report Scoping PhaseView
Annexure D2 - Site Sensitivity Verification Report Impact Assessment PhaseView
Annexure E1 - Agricultural Scoping ReportView
Annexure E2 - Avifaunal Scoping ReportView
Annexure E3 - Visual Scoping ReportView
Annexure E4.1 - Animal Species Final Scoping ReportView
Annexure E4.2 - Animal Species Supplementary Scoping ReportView
Annexure E5 - Heritage Scoping ReportView
Annexure E6 - Socio-Economic Scoping ReportView
Annexure E7.1 - Aquatic Biodiversity Scoping AssessmentView
Annexure E7.2 - Aquatic Biodiversity Supplementary Scoping ReportView
Annexure E8 - Botanical Scoping AssessmentView
Annexure F1 - Agricultural Agro-Ecosystem Specialist AssessmentView
Annexure F2 - Avifaunal Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F3 - Visual Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F4 - Faunal Invertebrate Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F5.2 - Palaeontological Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F6 - Socio-Economic Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F7 - Aquatic Biodiversity Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F8 - Botanical Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F9 - Hydrogeological Environmental Impact AssessmentView
Annexure F10 - Engineering Services Report - Civil, Structural, Traffic & Renewable Energy RequirementsView
Annexure G - Waste Management Method StatementView
Annexure H - Integrated Site LayoutsView
Annexure I - EAP & sCVsView
Cabrico Brick Co. - Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - Proof of pa DSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D - Comments & Response TableView
Annexure 2A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2B - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 3 - Locality MapView
Annexure 4.1 - Draft SDP and factory representationView
Annexure 4.2 - Schematic Rotary Kiln ProcessView
Annexure 5 - Drying and firing background - MMNView
Annexure 6 - Existing AELView
Annexure 7 - Historic Zoning ConfirmationView
Annexure 8 - Site PhotographsView
Annexure 9 - EAPs CVsView
Annexure 10 - Plan of StudyView
SPV Renfields (Pty) Ltd - Proposed 90MWp Solar Farm DSRView
Annexure A - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B1 - paDSR - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix B2 - DSR-Proof of NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix C - Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix D1 - Comments & Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix D2 - Addendum 1 - Waste Management Method StatementView
Annexure B - Plan of StudyView
Annexure C1 - Aquatic Biodiversity Screening ReportView
Annexure C2 - Terrestrial Biodiversity & Plant Species AssessmentView
Annexure C3 - Selected Specialists Letters & StatementsView
Annexure D1 - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure D2 - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure E - Proposed 90WMp Solar Power Station - Site Location CoordinatesView
Annexure F - EAPs & CVsView
Cabrico Brick Co. - Pre-Application Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 2A - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2B - SSV ReportView
Annexure 3 - Locality MapView
Annexure 4 - Draft SDP and Factory RepresentationView
Annexure 5 - Drying and Firing Background - MMNView
Annexure 6 - Existing AELView
Annexure 7 - Historic Zoning ConfirmationView
Annexure 8 - Site PhotographsView
Annexure 9 - EAPs & CVsView
Annexure 10 - Plan of StudyView
SPV RENFIELDS PTY (LTD) Gydo Renewable Energy Project - Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure A - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSR NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix C - Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix D - Comments Responses TableView
Annexure B - Plan of StudyView
Annexure C1 - 132kV SPVR Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure C2 - Hydro Facility SPV-R. Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure C3 - Solar PV Facility SPV-R. Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure D - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure E1.1 - Agricultural Scoping ReportView
Annexure E1.2 - Specialist Supporting LetterView
Annexure E2.1 - Avifaunal Scoping ReportView
Annexure E2.2 - Specialist Supporting LetterView
Annexure E3.1 - Visual Scoping ReportView
Annexure E3.2 - Specialist Supporting LetterView
Annexure E4 - Animal Species Scoping ReportView
Annexure E5.1 - Heritage Scoping ReportView
Annexure E5.2 - Specialist Supporting LetterView
Annexure E6.1 - Socio-Economic Scoping ReportView
Annexure E6.2 - Specialist Supporting LetterView
Annexure E7 - Aquatic Biodiversity Scoping AssessmentView
Annexure E8.1 - Botanical Scoping AssessmentView
Annexure E8.2 - Specialist Supporting LetterView
Annexure F - EAPs CVsView
Winelands Pork - Expansion Draft BARView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site Development PlansView
Appendix C - Not ApplicableView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapsView
Appendix E21 - Zoning Scheme MapView
Appendix F - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Appendix G - Not ApplicableView
Appendix H1 - Construction EMPrView
Appendix H2 - Operational EMPrView
Appendix H2 - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H2 - Annexure B - Site LayoutsView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C1 - Waste Management ISO ProceduresView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C2 - Effluent PermitView
Appendix I - Screening Tool ReportView
Appendix J - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix K - Refer to Section E, Question 12View
Appendix L1 - Waste Management ISO ProceduresView
Appendix L2 - Effluent PermitView
Appendix M - Impact and Risk Assessment TableView
Appendix N - Bath Scalding TankView
PetroSA EC Audit Report FA-EME-BF 28 June 2023View
PetroSA EC Audit Report FO 28 June 2023View
PetroSA EC Audit Report SCG 28 June 2023View
Suiderstrand Residential Development - Draft Basic Assessment ReportView
Appendix A1 - Locality MapView
Appendix B1 - Site Development LayoutView
Appendix B2 - Included in Specialist AssessmentsView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E1 - Heritage WC CommentView
Appendix E2 - E22View
Appendix F - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix G1 - Botanical Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G2 - Animal Species AssessmentView
Appendix G2 - Annexure A - BirdsView
Appendix G2 - Annexure B - MammalsView
Appendix H1 - Construction & Operational EMPrView
Appendix H1 - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H1 - Annexure B - Site Development LayoutView
Appendix H2 - 1997 Suiderstrand EMPView
Appendix H2 - 1997 Suiderstrand EMP Attachment A - Heritage Report Erf 194-196View
Appendix H2 - 1997 Suiderstrand EMP Attachment B - Sanitation OptionsView
Appendix H2 - 1997 Suiderstrand EMP Attachment C - Ground Water ReportView
Appendix I - Screening Tool ReportView
Appendix J - Included in Specialists reportsView
Appendix K - Need and DesirabilityView
Appendix L1 - General surveyors plan 1391 of 1999View
Appendix L2 - General surveyors plans 1359 & 1360 of 28 September 2011View
Appendix L3 - General surveyors plans Erf 430 includedView
Appendix M1 - Suiderstrand DEADP LetterView
Appendix M2 - DEA & DPDM Decision LetterView
Appendix N - Annexure A - Suiderstrand 2010 AuthorisationView
Appendix N - Annexure B - Approved subdivision plan 30 November 2010View
Appendix N - Annexure C - Suiderstrand SDP - REV02View
Appendix N - Annexure D1 - Architectural Drawing Draft 3 - Bedroom UnitView
Appendix N - Annexure D2 - Suiderstrand Draft Two Bedroom Double Story UnitView
Appendix N - Annexure D3 - Suiderstrand Draft Two Bedroom UnitView
Appendix N - Annexure E - HOA Constitution SUIDERSTRAND 397 amendedView
Appendix O - EAPs & CVsView
Duferco Steel Processing
Application Form for Atmospheric Emission Licence
28 October 2022
SPV Renfields Pty Ltd - Ceres Renewable Energy Project - paDSRView
Annexure A - Public Participation Plan ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure B - Plan of StudyView
Annexure C1 - 132kV SPVR Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure C2 - Hydro Facility SPVR Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure C3 - Solar PV Facility SPVR Ceres Renewable Energy ProjectView
Annexure D - EAPs CVsView
Smalstaan Development - Setback Line ChecklistView
Appendix A - Screening Tool Report - Erf 215View
Appendix B - Site Locality Map - Erf 215View
Appendix G - Zoning SchemeView
Appendix H - Detailed Concept Design Drawings - Erf 215View
Comar Chemicals (Pty) Ltd
Atmospheric Emmisions License Renewal
12 March 2022
PetroSA GTL Refinery
Atmospheric Emmisions License Renewal
5 March 2022
Okran38 - Life Cycles Park - Pre-Application Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure 2.1 - Screening Tool ReportView
Annexure 2.2 - Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure 3 - Site Layout PlanView
Annexure 4 - Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
Annexure 5 - Groundwater Risk AssessmentView
Annexure 6 - Heritage Screening ReportView
Annexure 7 - Civil Engineering Services ReportView
Annexure 8 - Traffic Overview SummaryView
Annexure 9 - Agricultural Compliance StatementView
Annexure 10 - Okran 38 (Pty) Ltd - Organic Waste Composting Facilities Current Provisional AELView
Annexure 11 - Proof of WULA Process InitiatedView
Annexure 12 - EAPs CVsView
01 DEIR - Proposed SolarPV Renewable Energy Power Station - HopefieldView
02 Annexure A - Public Participation Plan & ReportView
02 Appendix A1 - Initial Stakeholder Database Authorities RegisterView
02 Appendix A2 - Updated Stakeholder Database Authorities RegisterView
02 Appendix A3 - Final Stakeholder Database Authorities RegisterView
02 Appendix B1 - Proof of Pre-Application DSR NotificationView
02 Appendix B2 - Proof of DSR NotificationView
02 Appendix B3 - Proof of ReminderView
02 Appendix B4 - Proof of DEIR NotificationView
02 Appendix C1 - Comments Received on the Pre-Application DSRView
02 Appendix C2 - Comments ReceivedDSRView
02 Appendix D1 - Comments & Responses Table Pre-Application DSRView
02 Appendix D2 - Comments & Responses Table DSRView
02 Appendix E - Public Participation Plan AcceptanceView
03 Annexure B1 - CEMPrView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix A - Site Locality MapView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix B - Site Layout PlanView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix C1 - QRA CCLAES GHESView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix C2 - SHE RA VRFB BESSView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix D - Method Statement Vegetation ManagementView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix E1 - Traffic Impact StatementView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix E2 - R45 Speed Change LanesView
03 Annexure B2 - Appendix F - Water PlanView
03 Annexure B2 - OEMPrView
04 Annexure C1 - Updated Preliminary Botanical ReportView
04 Annexure C2 - Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
04 Annexure C3 - Bat Scoping Assessment ReportView
04 Annexure C4 - Heritage Scoping Assessment ReportView
04 Annexure C5 - Visual Scoping ReportView
04 Annexure C6 - R45 Speed Change LanesView
04 Annexure C6 - Traffic Impact StatementView
04 Annexure C7 - Terrestrial Animal Species Specialist ReportView
04 Annexure C8 - Avifaunal Scoping AssessmentView
05 Annexure D1 - Groundwater Impact Assessment ReportView
05 Annexure D2 - Updated Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
05 Annexure D3 - Botanical Terrestrial Biodiversity AssessmentView
05 Annexure D4 - Animal Species Sensitivity StatementView
05 Annexure D6 - Socio-economic Impact Assessment ReportView
05 Annexure D7 - Heritage Impact Assessment ReportView
05 Annexure D8 - Palaeontology Impact Assessment ReportView
05 Annexure D9 - Visual Impact AssessmentView
05 Annexure D10 - Agricultural Compliance Statement ReportView
05 Annexure D11 - Safety QRA - CCLAES and GHESView
05 Annexure D11 - SHE RA VRFB BESSView
05 Annexure D12 - Aviation Obstacle Limitation Assessment ReportView
06 Annexure E - Authority CorrespondenceView
07 Annexure F - Water PlanView
08 Annexure G - Co-ordinatesView
09 Annexure H1 - Screening Tool ReportView
09 Annexure H2 - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
10 Annexure I - EAPs CVsView
Clay Industry CC - Draft Basic Assessment ReportView
Appendix A1 - Locality MapView
Appendix B1 - Site Layout PlanView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E - Not ApplicableView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix G - Air Quality Impact Assessment ReportView
Appendix H - Operational and Monitoring EMPrView
Appendix H - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H - Annexure B - Site Layout PlanView
Appendix I1 - Clay Industry Screening ReportView
Appendix I2 - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix J - Not ApplicableView
Appendix K - Need and DesirabilityView
Appendix L - Not ApplicableView
Appendix M1 - Coal Ash Analysis 2018View
Appendix M2 - Data Sheet - Coal Ash 29-05-2019View
Appendix M3 - Data Sheet - Fly Ash 29-05-2019View
Appendix M4 - Aqueous Effluent SDS Classification 2019View
Appendix M5 - Effluent Water Classification 2021View
Appendix M6 - Effluent Water Laboratory Analysis 2019View
Appendix M7 - Green Moulding Sand - Classification Report 2019View
Appendix M8 - Green Moulding Sand - Laboratory Analysis 2019View
Appendix M9 - Green Moulding Sand - SDS 2019View
Appendix N - EAPs & CVsView
WC Government DT & PW - Jagtershof Schools - DBARView
Appendix A1 - Locality MapView
Appendix B2 - Biodiversity Overlay Map including Site Layout PlanView
Appendix B1a - Preferred Site Layout PlanView
Appendix B1b - Alternative Site Layout PlanView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E1a - NIDView
Appendix E1b - Heritage Assessment ReportView
Appendix E1c - Heritage RODView
Appendix E2 - Comment from Cape NatureView
Appendix E12 - DEA - DPDMAck - Comment on the NOIView
Appendix E21 - Refer to the Requisite Specialist StudiesView
Appendix F - Public Participation PlanView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix G1 - Freshwater Assessment ReportView
Appendix G2 - Traffic Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G3 - Geotechnical ReportView
Appendix H - C-EMPr - FinalView
Appendix Ia - Screening Tool ReportView
Appendix Ib - Jagtershof InitialSite Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix J - Impact and Risk Assessment TableView
Appendix K - Need and DesirabilityView
Appendix L - Surveyors DiagramView
Appendix M1 - Serviceability Report - SWMPView
Appendix M2 - Electrical ReportView
Appendix N - EAPs CVsView
Klipfontein Solar Farm - Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure A - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A.1 - Initial Stakeholder Database Authorities RegisterView
Annexure A - Appendix A.2 - Updated Stakeholder Database Authorities RegisterView
Annexure A - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure A - Appendix C - Comments Received on the Pre Application DSRView
Annexure A - Appendix D - Comments Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix E - Public Participation Plan AcceptanceView
Annexure B - Plan of StudyView
Annexure C - Updated Preliminary Botanical ReportView
Annexure D - Aquatic Biodiversity Compliance StatementView
Annexure E - Scoping Report for BatsView
Annexure F - Heritage Scoping ReportView
Annexure G - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment ReportView
Annexure H - Visual Scoping ReportView
Annexure I.1 - Traffic Impact StatementView
Annexure I.2 - R45 Speed Change LanesView
Annexure J - Proposed Approved Renewable Energy FacilitiesView
Annexure K.1 - Screening Tool Report Site Location Alternative 1View
Annexure K.2 - Screening Tool Report Site Location Alternative 2View
Annexure K.3 - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure L - EAPs Specialists CVsView
Labelle Street Properties (Pty) Ltd - DBAR 2021 ProcessView
Appendix A1 - Locality MapView
Appendix A2 - Not ApplicableView
Appendix A3 - Map with GPS co-ordinates for linear activitiesView
Appendix B - Site PlanView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity MapView
Appendix E.1 - HWC Section 38 (8), Response to NID Final RE 771 (R302)View
Appendix E.10 - Comment from DEADP - Pollution ManagementView
Appendix E.22 - Proof of acceptance of Public Participation PlanView
Appendix E.1-9, 11-21 - Not ApplicableView
Appendix F - Public Participation InformationView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B1 - 2020 Process - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure B2 - 2021 Process - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure C - Correspondence from Civil AviationView
Appendix F - Annexure D - Comments Received2020 Draft Basic Assessment ProcessView
Appendix F - Annexure E - Comments and Responses Table 2020 Draft Basic Assessment ProcessView
Appendix G - Not ApplicableView
Appendix H - Construction Operational EMPrView
Appendix I.1 - Screening Tool ReportView
Appendix I.2 - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix J - Impact and Risk Assessment TableView
Appendix K - Need and DesirabilityView
Appendix L - Not ApplicableView
Appendix M - Not ApplicableView
Appendix N - EAPs CVsView
Signed DeclarationsView
PetroSA - Background Information Document - MMP - SPMView
Maintenance Management Plan - Single Point MooringView
Zoute Kloof Solar Farm - Pre-Application Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure A - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B - Proof of NotificationView
Annexure B - Plan of StudyView
Annexure C - Pre-limenary Botanical Screening ReportView
Annexure D - EAPs CVsView
Blombos Property Investments (Pty) Ltd - Draft BARView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site Development PlansView
Appendix C - Site PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapView
Appendix E - Permits, Licenses, Correspondence, AuthoritiesView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix G1 - Ecological Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G2 - Heritage Impact AssessmentView
Appendix H - Construction EMPrView
Appendix H - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H - Annexure B - Site Layout MapView
Appendix I1 - Screening ReportView
Appendix I2 - Mosselbank fontein - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Appendix I - Annexure A - Kimberley van Zyl CVView
Appendix J - Not ApplicableView
Appendix K - Need and DesirabilityView
Appendix L - Not ApplicableView
Appendix M - EAPs CVsView
Joostenberg Brick Pty Ltd - DEIRView
Environmental Management ProgrammeView
Annexure A - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B1 - Proof of paDSRView
Annexure A - Appendix B2 - Proof of DSRView
Annexure A - Appendix B3 - Proof of FSRView
Annexure A - Appendix B4 - Proof of DEIRView
Annexure A - Appendix C1 - paDSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix C2 - DSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix C3 - FSR Comments ReceivedView
Annexure A - Appendix D - Comments Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix E - Authorities Meeting - Attendance RegisterView
Annexure B1 - Botanical StatementView
Annexure B2 - Freshwater AssessmentView
Annexure B3 - Plan of StudyView
Annexure C1 - Reg2_2 - Dwg showing revised areaView
Annexure C2 - Mine Layout Plan Rev 26 Feb 2019View
Annexure C3 - Locality MapView
Annexure C4 - CBA MapView
Annexure C5 - Protected Areas MapView
Annexure D - Charl Cilliers CVView
Annexure D - Larry Eichstadt CVView
Annexure E1 - Cross section profilesView
Annexure E2 - Drill Sites and ERTModelsView
Annexure E2 - Reserve ProfilesView
Annexure E3 - Not ApplicableView
Annexure E4 - Joostenberg Brick Environmental Audit Report - 2019View
Annexure E5 - Not ApplicableView
Annexure E6 - Final EMPr 2008View
Annexure E7 - Claytile Noise Report Sept 2018View
Annexure E8 - HWCNIDView
Annexure E9 - Stormwater Management ReportView
Annexure E9 - AppendixA - Mine Layout PlanView
Annexure E9 - AppendixB - Stormwater CalculationsView
Annexure E9 - AppendixC - Stormwater PlanView
Annexure E9 - AppendixD - Previous Stormwater Management Report - May 2019View
Annexure E10 - Department of Mineral Resources - Converted Mining RightView
Annexure E11 - Mining Work ProgrammeView
Annexure F - Heritage WC LetterView
Annexure F - DMR Application AcknowledgmentView
Annexure F - DMR Application Acknowledgement - Letter Feb 20View
Annexure F - DMR Commenson FSR - July20View
Annexure G - Initial Site Sensitivity Verification ReportView
Annexure G - Joostenberg Brick - Screening ReportView
Harbour Bay - Amendment Environmental Authorisation ApplicationView
Appendix 1 - Subdivisional Plan Erf 5141 Simons TownView
Appendix 2.1 - Site Overview & SDP, Boreholes, Barrier, BufferView
Appendix 2.2 - 20m Monitoring Buffer Zone around LFSView
Appendix 3.1 - Cubisol DeclarationView
Appendix 3.2 - Southern Palace DeclarationView
Appendix 4.2 - RODView
Appendix 4.1 - ROD OwnershipView
Appendix 5.1 - Cubisol DeclarationView
Appendix 5.2 - Southern Palace DeclarationView
Appendix 5.3 - EAP DeclarationView
Appendix 6.1 - Groundwater Monitoring ReportView
Appendix 6.2 - Landfill Gas Risk Assessment ReportView
Appendix 7 - Proof of Public ProcessView
Labelle Street Properties (Pty) Ltd - DEIRView
Executive SummaryView
Annexure 1 - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A1 - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure 1 - Appendix A2 - Pipelines Affected OwnersView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B1 - Proof of Pre-Application DSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B2 - Proof of paDSR Commenting Period ExtensionView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B3 - Proof of DSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B4 - Proof of FSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B5 - Proof of DEIRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix B6 - Proof of Additional DEIR commenting periodView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C1 - Comments Received on paDSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C2 - Comments on DSRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix C3 - Comments Received on DEIRView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D1 - paDSR Comments Responses TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D2 - DSR Comments Responses TableView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D2 - Addendum 1 - Aviation Legal OpinionView
Annexure 1 - Appendix D4 - DEIR - Comments Responses TableView
Annexure 2A - Construction EMPrView
Annexure 2B - Operational EMPrView
Annexure 2B - Appendix A - Locality MapView
Annexure 2B - Appendix B - Preferred Site LayoutView
Annexure 2B - Appendix C - Infrastructure - Services AlignmentsView
Annexure 2B - Appendix D - NEMWA Norms & Standards for storage of waste 2013View
Annexure 3 - Site LayoutView
Annexure 4A - Air Quality Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 4B1 - Major Hazard Installation - Risk AssessmentView
Annexure 4B2 - MHI-RA Specialists CVsView
Annexure 4C - Transport Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 4D - Visual Impact AssessmentView
Annexure 4E - Environmental Noise Impact ReportView
Annexure 4F - Freshwater Assessment ReportView
Annexure 4F - Appendix A - Kimberley van Zyl - CVView
Annexure 4F - Appendix B - Chemical Microbiological ResultsView
Annexure 4F - Appendix C - IHAS ResultsView
Annexure 4F - Appendix D - SASS5 Score SheetsView
Annexure 4G1 - Botanical Impact Assessment - Winelands Pork Abattoir powerlineView
Annexure 4G2 - BotanicalStatement-MalmesburyAbattoirPipelinesView
Annexure 4G3 - Specialist CVView
Annexure 4H1 - NID RESPONSE ERF 12485View
Annexure 4H2 - NID Signed WP AbattoirView
Annexure 4H3 - NID Winelands PorkView
Annexure 4H4 - Specialist CVView
Annexure 4I - Spray Drift Risk AssessmentView
Annexure 5A - Engineering Services ReportView
Annexure 5A - Appendix A - Topographical SurveyView
Annexure 5A - Appendix B - Site Development PlanView
Annexure 5A - Appendix C - Preliminary Services layoutView
Annexure 5B - Stormwater Management PlanView
Annexure 5B - Appendix A1 - Topographical SurveyView
Annexure 5B - Appendix A2 - Site Development PlanView
Annexure 5B - Appendix A3 - Stormwater layoutView
Annexure 5B - Appendix A4 - Stormwater Catchment AreaView
Annexure 5B - Appendix A5 - Attenuation PondView
Annexure 5B - Appendix B - Stormwater CalculationsView
Annexure 5B - Appendix C - Maintenance ChecklistsView
Annexure 6 - Authority CorrespondenceView
Annexure 7 - Generic Baseline Water BalanceView
Annexure 8 - Previous EA - Light Industrial AreaView
Annexure 9 - Abattoir Operations Process InformationView
Annexure 10 - Norms & Standards for the Storage of WasteView
Annexure 11 - Swartland Municipality Confirmation of ServicesView
Annexure 12 - Proof of WULA SubmissionView
Annexure 13 - EAP CVsView
Helderberg Waste Management Facility - Revised DBARView
Appendix A - Locality MapsView
Appendix B1 - Existing Subdivision and Rezoning ApprovalView
Appendix B2 - Subdivision PlanView
Appendix B3 - Preferred Site Development LayoutView
Appendix B4 - Alternative Site Development LayoutView
Appendix C - PhotographsView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapsView
Appendix E1 - DEADP AuthorisationView
Appendix E2 - DEADP EA Amendment LetterView
Appendix E3 - WULAView
Appendix E4 - HWC NIDView
Appendix E5 - DW_S - GA LetterView
Appendix E6 - DW_S - GA CertificateView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of DBARView
Appendix F - Annexure C - Comments ReceivedView
Appendix F - Annexure D - Comments & Response TableView
Appendix G1 - Botanical Screening StudyView
Appendix G2A - Helderberg RTS BAR Freshwater CommentView
Appendix G2B - Freshwater Risk Assessment - Helderberg Waste StationView
Appendix G2C - Freshwater Assessment Helderberg Waste Site DraftView
Appendix G3 - Traffic Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G4 - Stormwater Management PlanView
Appendix G5 - Social Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G6 - Engineering Services Report - Public Waste Drop-offView
Appendix G7A - Landscape ReportView
Appendix G7B - Views 1 & 2View
Appendix G7C - View 1 - 250ESE BaseView
Appendix G7D - View 1 - 250ESE SimView
Appendix G7E - View 2 - 180SE BaseView
Appendix G7F - View 2 - 180SE SimView
Appendix G7G - Helderberg Tree Survey List 2019-09-10View
Appendix G7H - Helderberg Depot LPView
Appendix G7I - Helderberg Depot TMPView
Appendix G8 - Noise Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G9A - Waste Handling MethodologyView
Appendix G9B - 905 CHewMF 101-0View
Appendix H1 - Annexure A - LocalityMapsView
Appendix H1 - Annexure B - Biodiversity Overlay MapsView
Appendix H1 - Construction EMPrView
Appendix H2 - Annexure A1 - Waste Handling MethodologyView
Appendix H2 - Annexure A2 - 905-CHewMF 101-0 Rev06View
Appendix H2 - Annexure B - StormwaterManagementPlanView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C - LocalityMapsView
Appendix H2 - Annexure D - BiodiversityOverlayMapsView
Appendix H2 - Annexure E - NEMWA Norms Standards Storage Waste 2013View
Appendix H2 - Annexure F - NEMWA Norms Standards Sorting, Shredding, Grinding General Waste View
Appendix H2 - Operational EMPrView
Appendix I - EAP CVsView
Appendix J1 - Health Safety Impact AssessmentView
Appendix J2 - Health Safety Risk ProfileView
Appendix J3 - Impact rating potential health safety impactsView
Appendix J4 - Annexure2View
Stompneus Bay - Revised DraftBARView
Appendix A - Site Locality MapView
Appendix B - Road Alignment AlternativesView
Appendix C1 - Road re-alignment - Option 1 & 2View
Appendix C2 - Site Photographs - JanuaryView
Appendix C3 - Site Photographs - JulyView
Appendix D - Biodiversity Overlay MapsView
Appendix E - HWC ResponseView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of DBAR NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of Revised DBAR NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure C - Comments ReceivedView
Appendix F - Annexure D - Comments ResponsesTableView
Appendix G1 - Botanical Impact AssessmentView
Appendix G2 - Freshwater Assessment ReportView
Appendix G2 - Freshwater CommentView
Appendix G3 - Traffic StudyView
Appendix G3 - Annexure A - FiguresView
Appendix G3 - Annexure B - Option 1 - Results of the surfacing of DR2164View
Appendix G3 - Annexure C - Option 2 - Results of the surfacing of DR2160View
Appendix G3 - Annexure D - Option 3 - Results of the surfacing of MR533View
Appendix G3 - Annexure E - Option 4 - Results of the surfacing of both DR2164 & MR533View
Appendix G3 - Annexure F - Option 5 - Results of the surfacing of both DR2160 & MR533View
Appendix H - Construction EMPView
Appendix H - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H - Annexure B - Maps showing Sensitive AreasView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Annexure B - Botanical Impact AssessmentView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Annexure C1 - Freshwater Assessment ReportView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Annexure C2 - FreshwaterCommentView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Annexure D - GoogleEarthImageView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Annexure E - Generic drainage infrastructure drawingView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Maintenance Management PlanView
Appendix H - Addendum1 - Stompneus Aquatics MMPView
Appendix I - Proof of WULA ProcessView
Appendix J - Preferred Alternative - Impact Assessment ProcessView
Appendix K - Road Layout PlansView
Labellestreet Properties Pty Ltd - Draft Scoping ReportView
Annexure A - Public Participation ReportView
Annexure A - Comments Received on paDSRView
Annexure A - Appendix A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Annexure A - Appendix B1 - Proof of Pre-Application DSRView
Annexure A - Appendix B2 - Proof of paDSR Commenting Period ExtensionView
Annexure A - Appendix B3 - Proof of DSRView
Annexure A - Appendix D - Comments & Responses TableView
Annexure A - Appendix D - Specialist Legal - Aviation Legal OpinionView
Annexure A - Appendix D - Specialist Legal - Spray Drift Risk AssessmentView
Annexure B - Plan of Study for EIAView
Annexure C1 - paDSR Site Layouts Alternative 1View
Annexure C1 - paDSR Site Layouts Alternative 2View
Annexure C1 - paDSR Site Layouts Alternative 3View
Annexure C2 - DSR Site Layouts 2A (Preferred)View
Annexure C2 - DSR Site Layouts 2BView
Annexure D - EAPs CVs - Courtney Morris CVView
Annexure D - EAPs CVs - Larry Eichstadt CVView
Annexure E - DeclarationView
Annexure F - Environmental AuthorisationView
Annexure F - 1. Landuse Planning DocumentationView
Annexure F - 2. Landuse Planning DocumentationView
Bergsig Camping Site - DBAR RevisedView
Appendix A - Locality MapView
Appendix B - Site PlansView
Appendix C - Site PhotosView
Appendix D - Biodiversity MapsView
Appendix E - Heritage Western Cape LetterView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B - Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure B - (REVISED) Proof of NotificationView
Appendix F - Annexure C1 - Authorities CommentsView
Appendix F - Annexure C2 - I and AP CommentsView
Appendix F - Annexure D - C and R TableView
Appendix F - Annexure E - Authorities MeetingsView
Appendix G1 - Engineering Services ReportView
Appendix G2 - Traffic Impact StatementView
Appendix H1 - Construction EMPrView
Appendix H2 - Operational EMPrView
Appendix H3 - C EMPr AnnexuresView
Appendix I - EAP & CVsView
Appendix J - Process Proposed Preferred AlternativeView
Appendix K - NotApplicableView
Jamestown - Revised DBARView
Appendix A1 - Locality MapsView
Appendix A2 - Locality MapsView
Appendix B - Site PlansView
Appendix C - Site Photos 1View
Appendix C - Site Photos 2View
Appendix D - Biodiversity MapView
Appendix E - HWCRODView
Appendix F - Public Participation ReportView
Appendix F - Annexure A - Stakeholder DatabaseView
Appendix F - Annexure B1 - Proof of DBARView
Appendix F - Annexure B2 - Proof of RevisedDBARView
Appendix F - Annexure C - Comments ReceivedView
Appendix F - Annexure D - Comments and ResponseTableView
Appendix F - Annexure E - Authorities CorrespondenceView
Appendix G1 - Freshwater AssessmentView
Appendix G1 - Addendum to Freshwater AssessmentView
Appendix G2 - Engineering ReportView
Appendix G2 - Route CoordinatesView
Appendix G2 - Annexure AView
Appendix G2 - Annexure BView
Appendix G2 - Annexure CView
Appendix G2 - Annexure DView
Appendix H1 - Construction EMPView
Appendix H2 - Operational EMPView
Appendix H2 - Annexure A - Locality MapView
Appendix H2 - Annexure B - Site PlanView
Appendix H2 - Annexure C - Competent Authority Requirements for the Content of a MMPView
Appendix I - DEADP CorrespondenceView
Appendix J1 - Larry Eichstadt CVView
Appendix J2 - Charl Cilliers CVView
Appendix K1 - WULAView
Appendix K2 - MapView